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Cr​eators with a Cause

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Dems of Social Media

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Dems of ​Social Media

Our goal: to foster a community of Democratic ​creators, amplify our individual voices, and make ​a meaningful impact on the Party and the ​Country.

Dems of Social Media was founded by Ken ​Weber, co-author of Branding Democrats: A ​Top-to-Bottom Reimaging of Campaign ​Strategies. He is also the co-host of the ​Branding Dems podcast, and the man behind ​@brandingdems on TikTok. Gabriella Martin, the ​co-host of the Branding Dems podcast, runs ​everything behind the scenes.

Miss. America

The truth is: the MAGA-loving extremists who ​have taken over the Republican party are a ​looming danger to America.

Let’s work together to stop them.

By uniting, ​we can...

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Raise Awareness

of each other, our causes, our ​goals and accomplishments.

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Provide Mutual Support

including cross-promotion ​opportunities (podcast ​appearances, social media ​mentions, collaborative campaigns ​and more).


Share Insights & Expertise

by working together. Collectively, ​we will have a more significant ​impact when engaging with ​Democratic politicians, groups, and ​donors.

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Explore & Create

unified messaging for the party. ​Develop branding initiatives, craft ​long term campaigns, build ​marketing and brand building skills, ​and connect with high level ​Democratic leaders.

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Membership ​Eligibility

Our doors are open to any Democrat who maintains a ​consistent and creative presence on social media.

Join us. There are no dues or commitments.

The 2024 election is speeding toward us. We need to act ​quickly.

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Ken Weber

Founder│Dems of Social Media

Co-Author│Branding Democrats: A Top-to-bottom ​Reimagining of Campaign Strategies

Co-Host │The Branding Democrats Podcast

Human behind @brandingdems on TikTok

Daryl Weber

Co-Director│Dems of Social Media

Co-Author│Branding Democrats: A Top to Bottom ​Reimagining of Campaign Strategies

Author│Brand Seduction - How Neuroscience Can ​Help Marketers Build Memorable Brands

Gabriella Martin

Co-Director│Dems of Social Media

Co-Host│The Branding Democrats Podcast

Marketing Specialist│Branding Democrats

Human behind @brandingdems on Instagram

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Creators with a Cause

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Dems of

Social Media

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C​ontact Us


(619) 208 - 7710